Pelican Harbor Seabird Station is working hard towards building our new wildlife and education hospital. Archeologist Dr. Robert Carr has an onsite team at the future home of PHSS that is excavating some incredible artifacts, including shards of Tequesta artifacts, and material from c. 500-1500 AD. We are finding material that tells a very layered story of the site, which we will incorporate into a permanent exhibit once the building is complete. We understand how vital it is to preserve this history, so our team has been meticulous in our site work to ensure none of this heritage is lost.

Are you or someone you know a fan of archeology? We are seeking volunteers to commit to training and volunteering their time with us to complete the archeological work. These volunteers would be under the PHSS umbrella, but their work would be managed by the archeological team on site. We are seeking volunteers that will be consistent, dedicated, and physically able to withstand the work. It is hot and painstaking work, mostly sifting soil, but also a really cool experience!

  • Must be 18 years of age or older

  • Must be able to commit to a regular weekly volunteer schedule - rain or shine

  • Must be able to physically withstand the work (outdoors, hot, physical)

To learn more about this special opportunity, fill out and submit the form below and a member of our staff will follow up with you soon.

Thank you so much for your support. And if you have never visited Pelican Harbor Seabird Station, please join us for one of our free Saturday tours at 11am to learn more about our important work in saving Miami’s native wildlife!