While we treat upwards of 2,300 patients a year at the Seabird Station, there are a few cases where patients are in otherwise good health, but can’t be released back into the wild due to a broken wing or missing/damaged eye, which renders them unable to fly or hunt in the absence of binocular vision. We have 12 non-releasable animals that range from American White Pelicans to Eastern Screech Owls, Opossums, and more which we use for educational purposes. These animals act as ambassadors by helping us understand more about wildlife and how humans have impacted the animal kingdom.


  • An 8” x 10” photograph of your adopted animal

  • A copy of your animal’s story

  • A certificate of adoption

  • An invitation to see your animal at the PHSS facility

  • Tax-exempt donation receipt letter

  • The honor of knowing you’ve helped to feed an animal for a year!


To adopt an ambassador animal, please click the “Adopt Today” button. Once your tax-deductible payment is complete, you will have the option to set up an adoption package – either for yourself or as a gift. We will follow up with you within 7 days. For more information, please contact our Environmental Education Coordinator, Rossella Dallo, at Rossella@pelicanharbor.org

A very special thank you to The Miami Foundation and the Michele & Agnese Cestone Foundation for their support of the Ambassador Animal Program.